To get a quote for a shipment from Australia to another country, go to the Myparcel Home page and complete the details as usual. Before completing the Deliver To field, click the International tickbox below it. Then enter the suburb and postcode of the destination in the Deliver To field. Note that there is no selection dropdown list for international locations, so accuracy in entering the suburb and postcode is vital. Finally, select the destination country from the Country dropdown. You can search for a country by typing the start of the country’s name into the search area, then selecting the country when it appears.
Click the See Quotes button.
If no quotes are displayed, you may need to vary the suburb and/or postcode in the Deliver To field. Try removing dashes or spaces from the postcode. For some countries, such as Japan, enter only the postcode (without a suburb and with no dash in the middle). For non-English countries, you may need to enter the English name of the suburb/town/city in order to identify them correctly. Finally, check that the Pickup Date is between 1 day and 2 weeks in the future.